lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

Apps animals and sounds

Good morning,

Today we present you a design of an app. It has buttons with photos of animals and vehicles. When you press the photos the sounds are emitted.

The animals have been downloaded from google images, eye of the initial grid, so that they are small, selecting the image with the right button and save image as.

The sounds can be downloaded from free sound banks, example: /

In App inventor we have to put buttons, deleting the text and putting of image of the button the photos of the animals.

Then in average, we drag the 8 sounds, assigning to each sound a sound, by means of the command source.

You can see the designs and the blocks below:


click here


click here



Servo motor

Control of a servomotor with a potentiometer (variable resistor by turning it).

Good morning,

Today we show you how to control a servo motor from left to right by turning a potentiometer (variable resistance), left or right.

The signal from the potentiometer reaches the Arduino via input A0 (input pin A0).

The Arduino is programmed to rotate the servo by sending the signal through the output (output 0).

Here we have the base to control a turn of a steering wheel... For example of a lunar vehicle!

Click here

Key for father´s day

Final proyect

For my final proyect I´ve decided to do ma game in scratch

You hace to press space key to pass though the blocks
click here to play the game

domingo, 2 de junio de 2019


Good morning!

Today we show you a presentation with transitions, animations and photographs. We have made it with Google presentations.

You can see the presentation here
click here to see

Programming ligthbot

Today we have done an exercise of educational programming, it was about controlling the nice lightbot: click here to go to lightbot

My personal opinion: This is a educational program wich you not only learn programming, but helps you with problem solving, improves self-confidence, teaches us to self-correct our mistakes. Also it is fun for me, although not everything is good ... I think Lightbot is mentally tiring, so I do not recommend doing more than 1 hour a day.

My first web page

Good morning, 
Today we have developed our first website for the subject Technology, programming and robotics.
The program used is google sites.
The website has the following pages:
  1. Home
  2. Apps
  3. Scratch
  4. 3D Design
  5. Robotics
  6. Personal
Click here to see my web site

Apps animals and sounds

Good morning, Today we present you a design of an app. It has buttons with photos of animals and vehicles. When you press the photos the sou...