lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

Programming a traffic-light with Arduino

Good morning,

Today I show you a traffic light project programmed using Arduino.


220 Ohms Resistor

First the green LED will light up, then the yellow LED and finally the red LED, the process will be repeated indefinitely.

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019

Two circuits with multimeters to observe the electrical parameters

Electrical definitions:
  • ELECTRICITY: The flow of electrons from negative to positive pole in a conductor.
  • VOLTAGE: That force which is generated to cause current to flow in an electrical circuit. Voltage is measured in Volts "V".
  • INTENSITY OF THE CURRENT: Flow of electricity along a surface of conductor in a time. Current is measured in Amperes "A" = Coulombs/sg. 1 Coulomb= 6.242×1018electrons.
  • MUL TIMETER: A testing device that can be set to read ohms (resistance), voltage (force), or amperes (current) of a circuit.
In the following circuits, we can see how the electrical parameters vary, when only the voltage or force of the battery changes. The circuit with the lower voltage battery will look less and have less intensity.

Hello my followers.

Today I'm going to present our first simulated circuit with tinkercad.

It consists of:
  • Battery
  • Wires
  • Bulb
  • Pushbutton switch
Operation: The electrons leave the negative pole attracted by the positive pole, in the filament of the bulb they collide producing heat by friction, then the filament becomes bright red, giving light.

First microcontroller program - Blinker

Good morning.
Today we present the first program for the Arduino microcontroller.
For this practice we need:
  1. LED diode
  2. Cables
  3. A resistance of 220 Ohms. (Not to burn the LED)
  4. An Arduino microcontroller.
  1. We connect the positive of the LED to the 0 port of the Arduino.
  2. Connect the negative of the LED to the resistor.
  3. Finally the resistance to the GND port of the Arduino.
  4. We program by blocks so that the positive in the zero port opens 1 second, then closes 1 second, the program will be repeated infinitely, so the LED will be flashing.

Apps animals and sounds

Good morning, Today we present you a design of an app. It has buttons with photos of animals and vehicles. When you press the photos the sou...